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1. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, “Accuracy of Information Maintained by US CreditBureaus: Frequency of Errors and Effects on Consumers’ Credit Scores,” Volume 47, Number 3, Pages 589-590, Fall 2013
2. Federal Reserve Bulletin, “Credit Report Accuracy and Access to Credit,” Page 304, Summer 2004
3. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, “Consumer Credit Risk and Pricing,” Volume 40, Number 1, Page 53, Summer 2006
4. The Independent Review, “Credit-Information Reporting”, Klein, Daniel B., 10861653, Winter 2001, Vol. 5, Issue 3
5. Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681, September 2012
6. Credit Risk Retention Proposed Rule, Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83; Friday, April 29, 2011
7. TransUnion Interactive survey conducted using Google Consumer Surveys, September 2013. Survey results have a 95 percent confidence level.
8. Policy & Economic Research Council, U.S. Consumer Credit Reports: Measuring Accuracy and Dispute Impacts, May 2011
9. The Federal Reserve Board, Report to Congress on Credit Scoring and Its Effects on the Availability and Affordability of Credit, August 2007