Consumers Guide To Choosing A Credit Repair Company Without Getting Ripped Off

Dear friend, Choosing a credit repair company isn’t easy and here’s why.  You are bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims and simply bad information. From super low prices to high pressure sales to unqualified sales associates and near worthless methods how do you find a qualified credit repair company? You start by reading this consumer guide!  In this fact filled booklet you’ll find how to:

  • Avoid the 6 Biggest Rip-Offs when it comes to credit repair companies.
  • 3 Big Reason’s why you should avoid document processing credit repair companies.
  • 9 Costly Misconceptions most consumers have when it comes to credit repair.
  • 8 Mistakes to Avoid when choosing a credit repair company.
  • 4 Recommendations when choosing a credit repair company.
  • The importance of Value and Price when choosing a credit repair company.
  • Why you should take action now to repair your credit.

I wrote this guide to help you get a better understanding now you can make an informed and intelligent decision.  If you have any question about choosing a credit repair company please feel free to call my office at 800-803-7390. I dedicate my business to helping consumers and I’ll be happy to help you in every way! Sincerely, Steven A Williams, President & Founder – The Credit Repair Shop, Inc. Senior Certified Credit Repair Analyst ============================================================================================= My name is Steven Williams I’m the president and founder of The Credit Repair Shop, Inc.  I’ve been helping individuals and families repair their credit for the last 7 years.  I’ve been a very well respected business owner in my community for the last 25 years. I hold the company certification of Certified Credit Repair Analyst.  I have been trained on the laws dealing with debt and credit repair.  I have personal experience with dealing with all types of credit repair issues. I am dedicated to helping individuals and families get their power back by helping them repair their credit allowing them to benefit from lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, more access to capital to start a business and much more. If you have any question please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call 800-803-7390   6 Biggest Rip-Offs When It Comes To Credit Repair Companies

  • Promising to remove all negative items off of your credit report before doing a full audit of your current credit situation. No credit repair service can or should be making guarantee’s about what they can do without a full audit of your credit report.  Avoid these types of companies that are making unethical advertising claims.
  • Unbelievable Low Price.  Repairing your credit requires real work by real people.  You credit report must be audited and a strategy must be put into place and initiated by employee’s.  This cost money and if a credit repair company is promising an unbelievable low price you need to be very caution.
  • Sending Information Improperly.  9% of credit repair companies are using a method of disputing credit that’s simply a waste of your time and money.  Your information must be sent properly or the credit reporting agencies will just disregard your dispute.  We take the time to audit your credit report and establish a game plan to get the result you desire.
  • Unsupported Claims.  Many credit repair companies are making claims that can’t be supported by documentation.  They talk about clearing negative items off of their client’s reports but they don’t have proof.  You should get proof from any credit repair company you are looking to work with.  Ask for documentation and testimonials from their clients.  If they don’t have testimonials or can’t provide documentation of real results they have gotten for their clients you should not do business with them.
  • Bait and Switch.  You need to be careful and completely understand what credit repair services you are buying.  I’ve heard some recent radio advertisements offering to increase the credit scores by doing a “Re-score” of individual’s credit.  They even claim they will fix their credit for “FREE”.  But after doing some investigation of their claims they were actual selling credit repair services but they were leading people on by saying they would repair their credit for “FREE”.

To be clear no credit repair company can actually increase your credit score.  This is in the control of the credit reporting agencies.  Our job is to get negative and inaccurate items off of your credit report this will allow your credit score to increase. These types of credit repair companies use “Bait and Switch” advertising because they don’t have credibility in the market so they use “Gimmicky” advertising to literally steal your money.

  • Outdated Methods.  I’m surprised at how many credit repair companies are using outdated information to repair their client’s credit.  When choosing a credit repair company make sure you ask what methods they are using to repair credit for their clients.  Also ask if they have any certifications or credentials from their company.

  3 Big Reasons Why You Should Avoid Document Processing Mills

  • No Loyalty.  Credit repair companies rarely do their own processing of clients information.  Basically what they are doing is signing up clients and passing them off to credit repair document processing mills.  This can lead to misunderstandings and a variety of client complaints.
  • Privacy Problems.  Because these document processing companies are not part of the company that signs them up, various privacy issues can arise such as exposure of your social security number, account numbers for good credit accounts, your mailing address, etc.  Make sure you only work with companies that process their own documents this will ensure that your information is secure and protected.
  • Horrible Customer Service.  Customer service is very important.  You need to know that you’ll be able to talk to a dedicated representative that knows your particular situation.   Also make sure they have a toll-free 24 hour customer service hotline, online client support and email support.

  9 Costly Misconceptions Most Consumers Have When It Comes To Credit Repair

  • You shouldn’t do anything about your credit.  Regardless of your financial situation you need to have good credit.  People with bad credit will end up paying 5 to 10 times what people with good credit will pay for the same exact thing.  Having bad credit can lock you out of job promotions and opportunities.  Bad credit can stop you from being able to purchase a home, new car or start a small business.
  • The only reason to repair your credit is to buy something.  Employers, health, life, home and auto insurers are now looking at your credit to see what type of risk you are.  You could be up for a promotion and lose it solely due to your bad credit.  Your insurance provider can choose to increase your rates solely due to your bad credit.  So even if you’re not looking to buy something you could be penalized due to your bad credit.
  • All credit repair services are the same.  The majority of credit repair companies are not actually providing a service they are just signing up clients and passing them on to document processing mills.  A legitimate credit repair company should provide its own customer service, document preparation and follow up services to ensure customer satisfaction.  They should have a toll-free 24 hour customer service hotline, email support and online support available.
  • You can’t dispute negative items on your credit report.  Credit reporting agencies have been using intimidating tactics trying to scare individuals from attempting to dispute negative items on their credit reports.  You have the right regardless if you owe the debt or not to dispute the item(s) on a legal basis.
  • Credit repair is about confusing the creditors and debt collection companies.  This was a method used in the past and some credit repair companies are still using this method.  This is old and outdated and will not work.  Trying to confuse your creditors into not responding to your credit disputes will work about 5% of the time and at anytime the negative item(s) can be placed back on your report at a later date.  We specialize in totally removing your negative item(s) on a legal basis.  When an item is removed it will never come back onto your credit report.
  • Your credit will fix itself.  Credit reporting agencies make money by allowing creditors to add negative and positive items on your credit report.  So they are really in the business of selling to their clients.  I’ve seen situations where they were suppose to remove a negative item after 7 years and they didn’t remove it until my company made them remove it.
  • The price should be the same regardless of who you choose for credit repair services.  Price is probably one of the area’s that gets most consumers in trouble when choosing the right credit repair company.  Companies that make big promises with a very low unbelievable price are setting consumers up for failure and disappointment.  It takes money to provide quality service.  Having good credit can save you as much as $1,000,000 over your lifetime.  Rather than just making your decision based on price make sure you’re actually getting the services you’re paying for.
  • If you file bankruptcy your credit will be cleared.  After a bankruptcy is discharged in court all balances will show zero on the credit report but it will also state that the debt(s) was discharged in bankruptcy.
  • If you build enough good credit it will off-set your bad credit.  Not true!  Regardless of how much good credit you have any negative items will drive down your credit score.  Regardless if you have a negative item for $2 or $2,000,000 your credit score will be affected the same way.

  8 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing A Credit Repair Company

  • Understand your rights when it comes to credit repair.  Because most credit repair companies only care about getting your money they don’t clearly explain your rights when it comes to repairing your credit.
  • Doing something illegal to repair your credit.  Watch out for credit repair companies that try to get you to apply for a new social security number or a tax ID number to establish a new credit identity.  This is illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble!
  • Written details of the services they will provide.  You should completely understand and get everything in writing before signing up with a company for credit repair services.
  • Willing to contact your creditors.  If your credit repair company is not willing to contact your creditors they are just worried about making sales.  A real credit repair company will not only dispute with the credit reporting agencies they will also dispute and negotiate on your behalf with your creditors.
  • They want to get paid before they explain what they will do for you.  Don’t fall for the generalization’s that credit repair companies will make over the phone.  Get all the details and facts before turning over your hard earned money for credit repair services.
  • Have a clear understanding about what you must be willing to provide and do to ensure successful credit repair.  Because your credit falls under the consumer privacy acts.  By law you will be notified by the credit reporting agencies during the credit repair process.  To ensure your success you must follow up with the credit repair company.
  • Look for credentials and Better Business Bureau ratings and memberships.  Check to see if your credit repair company has a “Credit Repair Analyst”.  A “Credit Repair Analyst” has experience analyzing reports and putting a strategy in place to get you the best possible result.  The Better Business Bureau has a ratings system for non-members and members of their bureau.  The best alternative is to have a credit repair company be a member of the bureau because this ensures that their products and services have been reviewed and have passed the rip-off test.
  • Moneyback Guarantee.  If a credit repair company isn’t willing to stand behind their products and services stay away from them.  This is a hint that they may have a lot of unsatisfied customers.

  4 Recommendations When Choosing a Credit Repair Company

  • Commit to repairing your credit.  The longer you wait to get started the longer it will take to repair your credit.
  • List your goals and objectives.  If you have a clear understanding of what you want from working with a credit repair company you’ll be able to make a better educated decision on which company is right for you.
  • Ask Questions and get solid answers.  Here are some question I would suggest you ask:
  • How long has your company been in business?
  • Will I be working with a certified credit analyst?
  • Are you a member of the Better Business Bureau?
  • What is the method that will be used to repair my credit?
  • What will I be required to do during the process?
  • How long will the entire process take?
  • Will you work with my creditors also?
  • Is there a moneyback guarantee?


  • After you have gotten all your questions and concerns answered you should be ready to make an informed and intelligent decision for your credit repair needs.

However, if you want to get started repairing your credit so you can buy a home, car, get a loan or start a business and increase your credit score please feel free to contact my office at 800-803-7390 or email me at [email protected]  

The Importance of Value and Price Price is what you pay. 

Value is what you get. When you select a credit repair company, you’ll choose from a wide variety of methods and prices. Not surprisingly, having your credit repaired thoroughly by one of our company Certified Credit Repair Analyst cost more than using a document processing center. If you don’t care about having a dedicated professional watching your file as it makes it through the credit repair process you can pay less and use a document processing company. On the other hand…if you want a dedicated Credit Repair Analyst to review your credit report and design a complete strategy to repair your credit properly the first time you need to consider a company like mine. _____________________________________________________________________

“The Bitterness Of Poor Quality Remains Long After The Sweetness Of Low Price Is Forgotten.” – Ben Franklin _____________________________________________________________________  

Why You Should Take Action Now I’ll keep it short and sweet…if you have bad credit and or a low credit score, you’re going to pay more money for the same things that people with good credit and a higher credit score will pay. This could mean over your lifetime paying over $1,000,000 in unnecessary interest payments.  That money could be in your pocket instead of the banks!

Here’s my last point: I know that consumers are skeptical about credit repair companies.  So, in addition to dedicating my business to consumer education, I do one more thing as well.

I GUARANTEE MY WORK!  That’s right.  I full guarantee that I will do everything possible with in the law to repair your credit.  We will call your collectors or original creditors to get to the bottom of why an item wasn’t removed when it qualified to be removed. We will assist in directly contacting the credit reporting agencies to get them to assist in removing items that qualified to be removed. I can’t guarantee a specific date your credit will be repaired because your situation is unique. I will guarantee we will work hard to get you in a better place than you are today. I hope you found this consumer awareness guide to be helpful.  If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment for a Free Credit Repair Audit, please call us at 800-803-7390. 

We look forward to serving you. My name is Steven Williams I’m the president and founder of The Credit Repair Shop, Inc.  I’ve been helping individuals and families repair their credit for the last 7 years.  I’ve been a very well respected business owner in my community for the last 32 years.

I hold the company certification of Certified Credit Repair Analyst.  I have trained myself on the laws dealing with debt and credit repair.  I have personal experience with dealing with all types of credit repair issues.

I am dedicated to helping individuals and families get their power back by helping them repair their credit allowing them to benefit from lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, more access to capital to start a business and much more. If you have any question please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call 800-803-7390.  

Get My 1 Page Letter To Get Negative Credit Off Your Reports – Click Here

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