by STEVEN A WILLIAMS, President and Founder
Before I get to the what I did to raise cash and get out of debt, I would like to pass on some of the most important advise I’ve ever learned.
Your debt and financial situation doesn’t define who you are. You have everything with in you to change your situation. You must decide what you want and go for it.
There’s no one way to change your life, but their are laws of this universe that must be followed or you’ll fail over and over again.
Do You Qualify For Debt Relief? Answer 3 Simple Question To See If You Do Click Here.
You must GIVE FIRST and you’ll RECEIVE LATER! This law is very hard to follow because you might feel you have nothing to give. But it is of most importance that you provide “Service” to others and you’ll get what you need in return.
Some of the time you might provide service to a person and not get paid from them, but you’ll get paid by someone else that you didn’t expect payment from.
You must keep your mind open and understand that money is everywhere but only comes to those who are in harmony to receive it.
I understand you might have trouble understanding this law. It might take a little time to really understand it. I’ve personally experienced this law in my life and I truly believe that I will always receive what I need financially, emotionally, health and spiritually.
I’m providing as a service to you the information below. This is real life information that I used when I was struggling financially in 1994.
I will also email you more information to help you with making more money, getting out of debt and motivating you to move forward in your life.
#1 – How To Come Up With Cash To Pay Your Bills
This is an excellent strategy that you can use to put cash
in your pocket to help stabilize your financial situation.
The money that you generate is not for spending on clothes
or to be wasted on non-necessity items. This cash is to
be used to help you have an emergency fund and some
cash to start your debt pay off plan.
Write down the monthly payment for each of the items
that apply to your situation:
Car Payment(s)………………………………… $
Mortgage Payment……………………………….$
2nd Mortgage Payment………………………….$
Credit Card Payment(s)…………………………$
Department Store Card(s)………………………..$
Payday Loan(s)…………………………………….$
Home Equity Loan(s)……………………………..$
Other Monthly Payments not listed……………..$
Total Payments…………………………………….$
After you have the total payments you’ll need to contact
each and every creditor and ask for a 90 day deferment
of your payments. Some might only allow 30 or 60 days.
REMEMBER!!! This money is not to be spent unwisely!
Use it to establish your EMERGENCY FUNDS $1,000
and to start your debt pay off plan.
Do You Qualify For Debt Relief? Answer 3 Simple Question To See If You Do Click Here.
#2 – How To Stop Debt Collectors From Calling Your Home, Job, Family and Friends
Do you have un-reasonable debt collectors harassing you?
Are they calling your job, home, neighbors and other family
Are they making threats to garnish your wages, put you in
jail, or to make you look bad to your family and friends?
Now you can fight back!
This strategy is very simply but rarely used because people
are afraid or too busy to do the work that is necessary.
You must prepare a cease and desist letter and send it to
them. If the collection agency is very aggressive you should
send it Registered Mail. That will give you evidence that they
did receive the letter.
Free Video Report – 3 Things People Should Know To Repair Their Credit and Increase Their Scores – CLICK HERE
#3 – Ask These Question if Sued by a Debt Collector and The Debt Might Be Dismissed
I stumbled across this technique when I was in court. I go into more detail in my book “How I Beat The Debt Collectors at Their Own Game and Made Them Settle a $4,283.05 Credit Card Account for $500 Cash and I Have The Court Documents to Prove it” I suggest you read it to get more details about what I did.
In short when you go to court or talk to a debt collector over the phone or
communicate through the mail, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER admit to owing them anything. Don’t lie about not owing just say “I DON’T KNOW” this will make them have to prove that you owe the money.
I’ve found from personal experience and from the experience of my clients a large percentage of the debt collectors out there don’t have the proper paperwork to prove that individual’s really owe them the money they are asking for.
So make them prove that you owe the money. They can’t just say you owe…
they must prove it.
Check List:
If it’s the direct creditor (not a debt collector):
*Ask for the signed documents with your signature proving that you authorized
the transaction.
If it’s a debt collector:
*Ask for the signed documents with your signature proving that you authorized the transaction.
*Ask for documentation proving that they are authorized to collect the debt.
Regardless of if they can provide it or not. Debt Collectors and Creditors don’t like to spend time in court proving they are owed a debt. They want it to go fast. So use this to your advantage to make them settle.
PLEASE NOTE: If they can’t prove that you owe the debt ask for an immediate DISMISSAL of your case. Don’t allow them to keep asking the judge for more time to find the documents. Tell the judge that you have given them the opportunity to provide the documents and that you have to work to support your family and that you don’t have the time to wait for them find what they should have already had before they brought the case.
Do You Qualify For Debt Relief? Answer 3 Simple Question To See If You Do Click Here.
#4 – 10 Things You Should Know Before Dealing With Debt Collectors
- Don’t call a creditor about a settlement if you don’t have money to
settle. - Don’t settle making monthly payments unless it for your
transportation, house or puts your employment in jeopardy. - Don’t trust them with their words, always get it in writing.
- Don’t send a check from your account and never give your account
numbers to checking or credit cards over the phone or in the mail
when settling an account. Use money orders or cashier’s checks. - Don’t forget to put in the memo section of the cashier’s check or
money order the account number, paid in full for the specific
account you’re settling.
- Don’t forget to include the settlement letter from the creditor/
debt collector (which should be on office company letterhead) with
the cashier’s check or money order. - Don’t forget to send the payment back in the allocated time
specified for the settlement. This is a trick that debt collector’s
use when they find out you might have more money for them to take.
They’ll allow you 10 to 20 days to send payment during that time
they are trying to find out if you have more money and if you do
they will hope that you’ll miss the deadline. - Don’t forget to send it certified mail. This will ensure that you
have evidence that they received it and by whom if they try to
change the game. - Don’t forget to photo copy the letter, cashier’s check or money
order and any other documents pertaining to the settlement . - SAVE ALL DOCUMENTS FOREVER AFTER THE SETTLEMENT IS FINISHED.
#5 – Get Rid of Some or All Of Your Old Outstanding Debt
Each state has a ‘Statute of Limitation’ if a debt collector hasn’t called
you during that period of time you can use this technique to declare the
debt voided. They don’t expect you to know about this. You’ll need
to check your state laws to find out what the ‘Statute of Limitations’
is in your state. You can look this up online or call us for help looking
up the laws in your state.