Civil Judgments Can Have an Expiration Date Making Them Uncollectible

The renewal periods for civil judgments vary by state. Here is a list of states in the United States and their respective renewal requirements for civil judgments as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Please note that laws can change over time, so it’s essential to consult the specific state statutes or seek legal advice for the most up-to-date information.
  1. Alabama: Judgments do not expire.
  2. Alaska: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  3. Arizona: Judgments are valid for five years and can be renewed for five-year periods.
  4. Arkansas: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  5. California: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely.
  6. Colorado: Judgments are valid for six years and can be renewed for six-year periods.
  7. Connecticut: Judgments are valid for twenty years and can be renewed for twenty-year periods.
  8. Delaware: Judgments are valid for five years and can be renewed for five-year periods.
  9. Florida: Judgments are valid for twenty years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  10. Georgia: Judgments are valid for seven years and can be renewed for seven-year periods.
  11. Hawaii: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  12. Idaho: Judgments are valid for five years and can be renewed for five-year periods.
  13. Illinois: Judgments are valid for seven years and can be renewed for seven-year periods.
  14. Indiana: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  15. Iowa: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  16. Kansas: Judgments are valid for five years and can be renewed for five-year periods.
  17. Kentucky: Judgments are valid for fifteen years and can be renewed for fifteen-year periods.
  18. Louisiana: Judgments are valid for ten years and can be renewed for ten-year periods.
  19. Maine: Judgments are valid for twenty years and can be renewed for twenty-year periods.
  20. Maryland: Judgments are valid for twelve years and can be renewed for twelve-year periods.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and the renewal periods may have changed since my last knowledge update in September 2021. It’s always best to consult the specific state statutes or seek legal advice for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding judgment renewal requirements in a particular state.   Click Here for my DIY credit repair membership services – CLICK HERE