Category Archives: covid-19 payment relief
Current Mortgage Banks and Servicers That Stated They Will Work With Their Customers on Deferments or Forebearances
UPDATED APRIL 30, 2020 1st 2nd Mortgage Company of N.J., Inc. 1st Bank of Sea Isle City 1st Colonial Community Bank 1st Constitution Bank 21st Mortgage Corporation Allied Mortgage Group, Inc. Amboy Bank American Finance House LARIBA American Internet Mortgage, Inc. AmeriFirst Home Improvement Finance, LLC Amos Financial LLC Angel Oak Home Loans LLC Arc…
Covid-19 Payment Relief and Credit Protection Program Update 4-7-2020
If you have already signed up for my program CLICK HERE TO LOGIN NOTE: If you signed up and didn’t log in yet. Check your email box including your Spam/Bulk email box for a Welcome email. If somehow accidentally got on this page and you haven’t signed up for Covid-19 Payment Deferment and Credit Protection…
Wisconsin Governer Evers Emergency Order 15: Temporary Ban on Evictions and Foreclosures — March 27, 2020
Most noted points in the order. Landlords are prohibited from serving any notice terminating a tenancy for failure to pay rent. Landlords are prohibited from serving any notice terminating a tenancy unless the notice is accompanied by an affidavit attesting to the reasonable belief, and the basis thereof, that a failure to commence eviction proceedings…
Covid-19 Payment Relief and Credit Protection Program
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST! AND ALWAYS SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE FOR NEW UPDATES STEP 1 – Get all names, addresses, account numbers and phone numbers of all of your creditors you want to get monthly payment relief from. You can also get all your creditors information from looking at your credit reports. Click Here…