Category Archives: credit repair

Poor Credit Self Image Might Be Why You Are Failing at Credit Repair

If you have lived with poor credit for an extended period of time… You have a “Poor Credit Self Image” of yourself.  You consciously try to do things to improve your credit, but you self sabotage. You are so use to living with poor credit you have internalized and become a person with bad credit. …

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Section 609 Credit Repair Secrets Revealed

Is the 609 Letter Really a Credit Repair Secret? BY LATOYA IRBY  Updated May 09, 2019 A 609 letter is one of the latest internet credit repair “secrets” that claim the ability to remove any kind of information from your credit report—even accurate information—based on a “loophole” in the credit reporting law. Why Use a 609 Letter? If…

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See The Government GAO Report From My Video CLICK HERE Get My 1 Page Letter To Get Negative Credit Off Your Reports – Click Here Want to sign up for our credit repair membership services – CLICK HERE Let Us Do The Work Click Below

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Charged Off Debt || Repo Debt and Court Summons

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Are Credit Karma Credit Scores “FAKE”?

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Use This To Get Rid of Old Debt That Have Been Sold To Debt Collectors

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Payday Loan Debt | Student Loan Debt…What Can You Do About Them?

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Debt Collectors Can Legally Collect If You Don’t Do This

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How to Deal with Outstanding Debt

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Rent Reporting is an option to Increase Credit Scores

After a clients gets their credit repaired the number one question they will ask is “how can I increase my credit scores?”. They don’t want to hurt their scores by applying for credit and getting turned down.  So I’ve always looked for alternative ways to increase their scores. One of the best ways that can…

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